Battle Arena
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We provide two types of battle:
Clan battle: quick auto-battle.
Battle Arena: manual PvP battle - turn-based strategy, described in this document.
In order to initiate a battle, you must form a team consisting of 1 monster and 4 zombies. You may optionally utilize items from your inventory to equip your zombies and monster, thus enhancing your team's power. Each zombie can equip 1 inventory item, while the monster can equip up to 2 items during the game. Afterwards, you have the option to either initiate a new battle for your team or join an existing one by confirming your readiness to commence the battle. Please note that since this is a player versus player (PvP) game, there may be a waiting period for an opponent to become available. Once the round commences, the battle arena will become available to play. The main goal of the game is to kill the enemy Monster (like a king in chess).
The game has a limit of 100 moves, and when the moves are exhausted, the player with the higher total health will emerge as the winner.
For each move the player will have up to 20 seconds and can chose one of move options.
If a player misses 3 moves - he loose the game.
Each NFT collection unit (zombie and monster) have unique abilities described below.
You can use inventory to increase unit attack or health and affect opponent units, more details in inventory section.
In the top left corner you can see a total health for all your zombies and monster, also on the each unit will be individual health indicator.
Battle Arena is turn-based strategy with your zombies and monster where players take turns when playing. The order of the turns can change depending on the players actions. During your turn you can make one of the actions for current zombie/monster:
Move. The speed affects the number of cells, how far you can move: we multiply the speed by 2 to get max cells distance. Everyone moves on 2-4 cells per turn and Punk on 3-5 cells (unique Punk ability).
Attack your opponent. Beat by hand, sword or bow. We use your unit attack and health characteristics combined with brain (affect luck) and opponent evade.
Apply monster inventory (for monster turn). Use one of inventory items for selected area: potion (increase units attack and brain), poison (affect attack and brain), bomb (affect opponent health) or health (restore health for your units).
Skip a move. Random increase ability for critical hit for one of next 3 turns.
Combat unit: Fights back when attacked (counterattack).
Mummy unit: When attacked, restores his health (not more than unit max health).
Stylish unit: Attack and return to his position.
Punk unit: Walks +1 cell further and go away from the combat counterattack.
Pirate unit: Protection from bombs and poison: 15-20%.
All inventory divided by usage type - some items can be used with any unit (zombie/monster) when other items can be used only by monster:
Sword (any unit): increases the power of a melee hit.
Bow (any unit): if the archer is far away - small damage, if across the cell - maximum damage, if someone is on a neighbor cell - attacks without bow.
Shield (any unit): melee defence and better defence against archers.
Helmet (any unit): defence against melee and worse defence against archers.
Armour (any unit): the same protection against melee and archers (but less than shield and helmet).
Health (monster only): affects the selected cell by 100% and the neighbor cells 25%.
Potion (monster only): affects selected cell by 100% and neighbor cells (25%) for 2 turns.
Poison (monster only): affects selected cell by 100% and neighbor cells (25%) for 2 turns.
Bomb (monster only): affects selected cell by 100% and neighbor cells (50%).
Attack. Unit characteristic based on your NFT attack. You can increase it by wear unit inventory.
Health. Unit characteristic based on your NFT health. Health also affect unit attack: the less health left, the weaker the unit hit will be.
Speed. Unit characteristic based on your NFT speed. Affect how far unit can move - we multiply the unit speed by 2 to get move cells. Note: Punk always can move +1 cell further.
Brain. Unit characteristic based on your NFT brain. Affects game random events like luck and evade (critical hit). Randomly you can get Luck (up to +50% damage when attack) or Evade (up to -50% damage when defence).
Screen 1 (your teams): You can create teams from your zombie and monsters: select 1 monster, 4 zombies and optionally attach unit inventory: 1 item per zombie and up to 2 for monster.
Screen 2 (available battles): Main screen of battle arena show all available battles. You can join existing battle or create your own, just click "Join Battle" or "New Battle". Chose your team and confirm transaction (ZML tokens and NFTs will be send to the battle arena).
Screen 3 (battle arena): Battle starts, your monster and zombies on the left side and your opponent on the right side of the board. You and your opponent make moves in turn based on the sequence of moves.
Screen 4 (battle results): Battle ends and we show results: win or lose, prize details with button to start new battle or return to all battles list.