

You can stake ZML tokens to get reward based on Pool APR. Plus, you can join one of your Staking Monsters to earn additional rewards. You can deposit/withdraw rewards, staked token and Monster Card separately.

Additional (Staking Monster) reward is based on card rarity:

  • Common: APR + 2%

  • Uncommon: APR + 5%

  • Rare: APR + 12%

  • Epic: APR + 25%

To Stake your Monster: 1. Open ZML Staking page by click on your wallet address in the right top corner. 2. Click โ€œSelect Monster ...โ€ and choose one of your Staking Monsters. Staking monsters can be minted from "Staking Monster Parts" that you can find by discovery your Lands.

What is APR?

In staking crypto-currency, users are always keen to the most secure, efficient, highest-income-guaranteed investment route. APR (Annual Percentage Rate) is the most intuitive, important key element in staking because it presents how much interest a user would receive for the bonded asset in one year.

How ZML distributed between users?

Staking works by distributing 0.5 ZML per second between all users in staking pool (proportional of user staking amount).

Imagine there are 2 users in a pool:

  • User1 stake 40 ZML

  • User2 stake 10 ZML

Every second User1 gets 0.4 ZML and User2 gets 0.1 ZML so monthly rewards will be next:

  • User1 - 0.4 * 3600 * 24 * 30 = 1 036 800 ZML

  • User2 - 0.1 * 3600 * 24 * 30 = 259 200 ZML

Every time new user joins into the pool - APR decreases.

Last updated